Steve’s GUide & First Aid Kit
Order your copy of Steve’s Guide to Snakes of the East Coast & Tablelands - NSW and a Snake Bite First Aid Kit today.
Steve’s Guide to snakes of the East Coast & Tablelands of NSW
Steve’s Guide is a 44 page quick reference guide book specific to the East Coast & Tablelands area, is the perfect addition to your backpack or glove box when travelling around our beautiful NSW Coast.
The guide also includes a dedicated section on snake bite first aid - that hopefully you will never need.
Snake Bite First Aid Kit
Our snake bite first aid kits include a snake bite specific indicator bandage, two pressure bandages, marker and clear first aid procedure. This kit is a must for anyone venturing out into the bush and is a great compliment for Steve’s Guide in your glove box.
Store pick up and shipping available
(Standard Australia Post shipping within Australia - see store for rates)
In the event of an EMERGENCY call 000 (triple zero)
At Reptile World we believe all snake bite victims, no matter what kind of snake they think they have been bitten by, should perform the pressure and immobilisation technique and seek medical attention immediately.
The wide variation in colour and pattern of our snakes can often lead to the wrong identification. Some snakes have a mild venom that may result in localised pain and swelling, however, as with bee stings, some people may have a more serious reaction which may, in extreme cases, result in anaphylaxis (allergic reaction).
For more information on snakebite first aid (pressure immobilisation) download the Australian Venom Research Unit's "First Aid for Snake Bites in Australia and New Guinea PDF, 335.2 KB".